Sunday, March 28, 2010

Senior Season--Tennis

So far my senior season of tennis is going really well. I have mixed feeling though, in the past 3 years i have always been 2nd or 3rd singles and just waiting for when i was a senior because Laura was going to graduate and allow me to be first singles. But this year we have 2 new really good freshmen making me be third singles. My goal for this season was to be number one. That is not going to be the case. I just have to look at the good side which is this means the team will be in a really good position for the next 4 years while we have 2 good first and second players. Also with me being 3rd singles this means that I will most likely be able to win more games, I will feel better about my self if I am wining more games.

I am preserving in my activities because this is my fourth season of tennis, and even though i did not get the spot that i wanted i will continue to play.

I am also developing new skills because in practice each day I am learning new things.

Speaking on behalf of Sturgis/IB

In the past few weeks the guidance department and Mr. Steedman have asked me to participate in talking to the sophomores, sophomores parents, and also a school who is thinking of becoming an IB school. I enjoy these things, I have had a good experience in the IB program and I think more people should be able to experience it.

2. Undertook new activities because I am not a good public speaker, talking in front of people is scary for me. and by doing this activity I am undertaking new challenges.

4. I worked with others because in all of the different situations I worked with others in talking to the people.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Polar Bear Plunge

Last weekend I did the polar bear plunge at west dennis beach. It was really fun! It was very good to do. The point of the polar bear plunge was to raise money for the MSPCA. Sturgis raised over $300 which was very good. This is globally important because there are animals all over the world who are abused, and need love and attention. I wish that the polar plunge got more press so that the message got out to more people. At the beach that day there were a fair amount of people but their could have been more.

Again this is globally important because around the world there are always animals who need love and attention. I know that through my travels I have seen plenty of animals who are stray and could use some love. this was very true in Costa Rica there were so many stray dogs, and cats.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Math Competion

At the Math Competion today, I did pretty well it was tough but it was fun! i didn't get all of it right but i feel like i did pretty well

I have been doing this activity for all 4 year, i really like it and i will miss it next year when i no longer have the option to continue.

I also have increased awareness of my self because i know my limitations with math and i know where i need to improve.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Surf Trip to Costa Rica

The surf trip this year was so much fun! we left friday from school and got home sunday afternoon. It was amazing! I went surfing 3 times a day, before breakfast, before lunch, and before diner. It was so much fun! I really improved as a surfer as well.

This is an image of me surfing, I was disappointed because the photographer missed my best wave that I have ever caught, this is not the image, but I caught a wave that was over 6 ft tall, i rode it down the front unbroken, and then rode it all the way into shore! it was so much fun! It was truly the best wave that I have ever rode. One day, we went to a rodeo, we went to the rodeo last year as well, this year it was scary because during the rodeo two men got hurt, badly hurt. In fact I thought that both men died, but luckily they didn't. One of the other surfers got a video of the attacks and posted on to youtube, here is the link.

This trip had global importance because right now people are not traveling too much because the economy is so bad, and being traveling, and buying things in costa rica was helping the global economy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Gymnastics on Thursday

Gymnastics this thursday was even more fun than it normally is. This is because the team girls were gone so it was only the prep-up team. This meant that I got more attention which resulted with me learning how to do a back tuck. I only started learning so i was still doing it into the pit but it was still really fun! its a lot easier than I thought also.

8. I developed new skills because i was learning how to do a back tuck

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I went to another SOI meeting today, It was interesting. We watched a movie on where food came from. I really want to eat better now.

6. This is of global importance, because eating organic is a global discussion and a global fad right now. Also eating organizing also effects people from around the world because a lot of fair trade food is organic, and it also benefits 3rd world countries.